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Alegria- Cebu : Water and Mountains

horrible grin

Today started early! I had a really bad night, hardly slept and was happy I woke up because my alarm decided not to wake me up. There was no breakfast so I ate some biscuits, had a lot of water and put on my water clothes. After a morning cigarette I waited outside for ‘ Hector’  to come pick me up. Apparently there are some other people in the Inn that want to join so we wait a litte and just after 7 o clock we take off.

We drive to a little hut by the road, I have to pay and jump on the back of a motorbike to go up the mountain. I always forget, the one you meet is usually not the one who actually does the work. And when you book you can be sure that  it will not be an logical pack of ativitties, but okay. Up the mountain we walk to someones (very shabby!) house, and I get a good helmet and lifevest… which he straps securely around me… all the straps.. including the ones in my croch …yelp.

The guide apparently is still asleep but quickly wakes up, get’s dressed and we start wakling… We’re not going to wait for the other 2… I tild Hector I want to drive to Cebu So I don’t want to linger… it’s just the two of us… and it will be for most of the trip.

We walk through bushesfor about 10 minutes and I assure myself that this guy knows what he’s doing… he’s done this… a lot of times… It just doesn’t feel very touristy to me. When we get to the river there’s an old lady washing herself. We climb a little and.. there’s the first jump. About 2 meters I think, but it feels sooo high! Of colurse I jump… and we continue to walk, swim slide, climb, jump and muddle along the river. The scenery is stunning and there’s no one else!

It’s tiring, but relaxing at the same time. My guide chats in pretty good English and holds my bag and camera for me. Being here alone was so worth getting up at 6 in the morning! What else is there to say? I let the pictures do the talking.. and maybe… maybe I can share a video today (I lost all the video’s of yesterday permanently due to me trying to compress them without backup!).

Almost near the end I figured it out.. this wasn’t the Kawasan waterfall… but another canyon… do I care? No! This was less touristy and the only group we did meet in the end was a group of Filipinos. We were a lot faster so we overtook them. The highest jump was about 5 meters… and I did it!

At one point I did slip and fall… So I was glad I had a helmet on. In the end we got out of the water and then walked back up the mountain again… I did not expect that! My legs are not build for climbing, I can tell you that. I was panting and I don’t know if I was still dripping or sweating… It was a steep walk and the railing was swamped with ants… those who know me know I’m not easily freaked out by animals.. but ants freak the living bejeez out of … and they stung! I hate the little creepers.

When we got back to his house he drove me down the mountain on the back of his bike… and Hector took me back to the Inn. It was 9:30…. So perfect timing for a quick shower and packing up my stuff to go back to Cebu.

I decided to take the mountain road so I wouldn’t drive the same way. The grandpa of the Inn gave me directions and I started google maps… It was perfect! The road was very good to drive on, the scenery stunning. In the highlangs I stopped at a bakery to get some pastries for lunch. Yes, I’m so not eating healthy…it’s almost worrisome! Because of google maps I got to take a shortcut around cebu which saved me a lot of nasty traffic. So just after 2 pm I arrived at the rental place, got my passport back and took a cab to the hotel where I will be staying with my friend Genevieve coming Friday. It’s a great hotel! I have a huge bed, a clean bathroom and pool, wifi that’s amazing, airconditioning that I can set to a comfortable temperature and… wait for it… a fridge J.

After I check in I go out to get some money, food and supplies. After 3 ATM’s I finally find one that will give me my money… there quite particular about it apparently… On that walk (200m) I have passed at least 5 fast food chains… which is ridiculous. I don’t want fatty food now… I find a nice small philipino place and have a great meal including coconut juice for under 2 euro. That’s what makes me happy.

When I get back at the hotel I jump in the pool… and now I’ve spent the bigger part of my evening trying to arrange a blind date and compressing my video’s without destroying them.

Oh, yesterdays pictures are online.. so enjoy!

Tomorrow there will be no alarm.. I have a lot of plans, but no hurry.. since most of them will invile public transportation.. to beautiful beaches. I might be out of Wifi tomorrow, so don’t get worried if I don’t post!

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And yes, there are video’s! Watch them below




Moalboal and Alegria – Diving and hot water


Cebu- Malapascua: day of transit to paradise

1 Comment

  1. Manuela


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